Under the current structure, math and test preparation classes meet for 1.5 – 2 hours per day, two evenings per week for the 12 week class.
A typical lesson plan for the math and test preparation class is as follows:
Measuring quiz – 5 minutes
Review of previous day’s lesson – 10 minutes
Quiz on this material – 10 minutes
Presentation of new math material – 20 to 30 minutes
Small group work – 20 minutes
Break – 15 minutes
Daily Challenge – 10 minutes
Spatial exercise – 10 minutes
Measuring or blue print reading – 20 minutes
Student journals are collected weekly, other homework is due at the beginning of the next class day.
Below is a sample schedule, all the materials for which are downloadable from this site.
Day 1
- Tool Identification and Fractions pre-tests
- Math
- Times tables chart
- Exponents, square roots and Pythagorean Theorem presentation
- Measuring
- Fold paper in half, trace line to center of paper and label; fold again into 4ths, trace and label 1/4 and 3/4; fold again and label 1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8; fold another paper as above for onle trace the lines, do not label this one – it is to be used to study/memorize placement and identity of lines.
- Introduce journals: Hand-out instruction sheet and set due dates
- Spatial exercise: 4 part spatial square
- Tour of facility
Homework: Exponents homework sheet, memorize inch in 8ths, spatial exercise, journals
Day 2
- Homework collection: Exponents and square roots sheet, spatial exercise
- Measuring:
- Review inch by 8ths
- Measuring quiz in 8ths
- Present inch in 16ths (same process of above), review many time
- Math
- Exponent and square root review and quiz
- Pass back fractions pre-test and divide into work groups
- Fractions presentation, pages 1-10
- Introduction
- Reducing to lowest terms
- Forms of fractions
- Raising to higher terms
- Small group work
- Introduce Daily Challenge 1: Work problems together as a group
- Spatial exercise: 7 part spatial square
Homework: memorize inch in 16ths, spatial exercise, information in pages 1-10, journals
Day 3
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise
- Measuring
- Review of inch into 16ths
- Measuring quiz 1
- Math
- Review of fractions pp. 1-10
- Fractions quiz 1
- Fractions presentation pp. 11-14
- Creating whole or mixed numbers from fractions
- Finding the lowest common denominator
- Small group work
- Daily Challenge 2
- Spatial exercise: Socks
- Mechanical Comprehension – present How to Develop Mechanical Reasoning (Ch. 2) – review in class
- Discuss propoer work attire for hands-on Saturdays; hand out thrift store locations
Homework: Spatial exercise, information on pp. 11-14, journals
Day 4
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise, journals
- Measuring
- Measuring quiz 2
- Measurement worksheet – pass out and explain
- Measuring
- Math
- Review of fractions pp. 11-14
- Fractions quiz 2
- Fractions Presentation (pp. 15-20)
- Borrowing
- Word problems
- Perimeter
- Small group work
- Perimeter worksheet – pass out and explain
- Daily challenge 3
- Spatial exercise: Vegetables
Homework: Measurement worksheet 1, perimeter homework sheet, information on pp. 15-20
Day 5
- Homework collection: Measuring worksheet 1, perimeter sheet, spatial exercise
- Measuring
- Measuring quiz 3
- Measurement worksheet 2/3 – pass out and explain
- Math
- Fractions review of pp.15-20
- Fractions quiz 3
- Fractions presentation (pp. 21-30)
- Multiplication
- Cross cancelling
- Creating improper fractions
- Multiplying mixed nubers
- Division
- Word problems
- Small group work
- Daily challenge 4
- Spatial exercise: Art tools
Homework: Measuring worksheet 2/3, spatial exercise, information on pp. 21-30
Day 6
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise, measurement worksheet 2/3
- Measuring
- Measuring quiz 4
- Math
- Fractions – review of multiplying/dividing and creating improper fractions
- Fractions quiz 4
- Fractions – review of dividing fractions
- Re-quiz
- Small group work
- Review all fractions for fractions post test on next class day
- Daily challenge 5
- Mechanical Comprehension: Present Mechanical Comprehension Chapter 12, review main points in class
Homework: Study for fractions post-test
Day 7
- Homework collection: Journals
- Math
- Fractions post-test: timed 30 minutes
- Decimals presentation pp. 1-6 – pass out packet
- Understanding decimals
- Adding and subtracting decimals
- Multiplying decimals
- Word problems
- Small group work
- Daily Challenge 6
- Spatial exercise: Color cube
Homework: Spatial exercise
Day 8
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise
- Measuring
- Measuring quiz 5: timed 5 minutes
- Math
- Decimals review of pp. 1-6
- Decimals quiz 1
- Decimals presentation pp. 7-12
- Dividing decimals
- Reduce answers
- Short cuts
- Word problems
- Small group work
- Daily Challenge 7
- Spatial exercise: Crazy cube
Homework: Spatial exercise, information on pp. 7-12
Day 9
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise, journals
- Measuring
- Measuring quiz 10: timed 4.5 minutes
- Math
- Decimals review of pp. 7-12
- Decimals presentation pp. 13-17
- Comparing/converting decimals
- Common Fractions and their Values – pass out and explain
- Daily Challenge 8
- Spatial exercise: Mystery cube
Homework: Common Fractions sheet, spatial exercise, information on pp. 13-17
Day 10
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise, Common Fractions sheet
- Measuring: Explain measuring quiz with interruption line
- Math
- Decimal review pp. 13-17
- Decimal quiz 3
- Review all decimal material for decimals post test
- Daily challenge 9
- Spatial exercise – Hidden Figures I
Homework: Spatial exercise, study for decimals post test
Day 11
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise, journals
- Measuring quiz A (1st w/ interruption lines)
- Math
- Decimals post test: timed at 40 minutes
- Daily challenge 10
- Blue print reading – Pass out and review Alphabet of Lines
- Spatial exercise – Hidden Figures II
Homework: Spatial exercise, study for math mid-term
Day 12
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise
- Measuring Quiz B
- Math, review
- Exponents and square roots
- Fractions
- Perimeter
- Decimals
- Daily challenge 11
- Spatial exercise: Hidden Figures III
Homework: Study for midterm exam, spatial exercise
Day 13
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise, journals
- Math
- Math Midterm: timed at 45 minutes
- Common Fractions and Values sheet w/ % column filled in
- Daily challenge 12
- Small group work
- Daily Challenge 12
Homework: Common Fractions and Values sheet
Day 14
- Homework collection: Common Fractions sheet w/ % column filled in
- Before class starts, go over results of midterm w/ students individually
- Measuring quiz C
- Math
- Ratio/Proportion/Percentage presentation pp. 1-6 – hand out packet
- Write ratio/proportions
- Find missing number
- Use to solve % problems
- Find what % one number is of another
- Small group work
- Ratio/Proportion/Percentage presentation pp. 1-6 – hand out packet
- Daily challenge 13
- Blueprint reading: US Gypsum blueprint reading packet – discuss plate 1
- Spatial exercise: cardboard folding I
Homework: Information on pp. 1-6, spatial exercise, blueprint reading pp. 1-13
Day 15
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise, journals
- Measuring Quiz D
- Math
- Ratio/Proportion/Percentage review of pp. 1-6
- Ratio/Proportion/Percentage quiz 1
- Ratio/Proportion/Percentage presentation page 7
- Finding number when % of it is known
- Small group work
- Daily Challenge 14
- Blueprint reading: U.S. Gypsum plate 1 (pg. 13) answer questions in class, assign pp. 14-18 w/ questions
- Spatial exercise: Cardboard folding II
Homework: Information on pg. 7, cardboard folding ii, BP plate 2 questions (pg. 18)
Day 16
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise
- Measuring Quiz E
- Math
- Ratio/Proportion/Percentage review pg. 7
- Ration/Proportion/Percentage presentation pp. 8-9
- Finding the percentage of a given number
- Small group work
- Daily Challenge 15
- Blue print reading: Review answers to U.S. Gypsum book plate 2 (pg. 18) questions, assign pp. 19-21
- Spatial exercise: Cardboard folding III
Homework: Information on pp. 8-9, spatial exercise, blueprint reading plate 3 questions
Day 17
- Homework collection: Spatial exercise
- Measuring quiz F
- Math
- Ratio/Proportion/Percentage review pp. 8-9
- Percentage quiz 3
- Area of a square/rectangle packet presentation
- Work out problems in class
- Pass out homework sheets
- small group work
- Review and quiz on feet and inches
- Daily challenge 16
- Blue print reading: Review plate 3 questions and assign plate 4 questions (pg. 22)
- Spatial exercise: Box unfolding IV
Homework: Information in packet, area/perimeter of a rectangle homework sheet, blueprint reading Plate 4 questions, spatial exercise
Day 18
- Homework collection: Area and perimeter of a rectangle sheet, spatial exercise
- Measuring: Explain new blueprint format
- Math
- Area of a rectangle quiz
- Area of a triangle presentation – pass out pack and work problems in class
- Area of a triangle homework sheets
- Small group work
- Daily challenge 17
- Blueprint reading: Review plate 4 questions, assign plate 5 questions (pg. 26)
- Spatial exercise: Box unfolding
Homework: Information in the packet, area and perimeter of a triangle sheet, blueprint reading plate 5 questions, spatial exercise
Day 19
- Homework collection: Area and perimeter of a triangle sheet, box unfolding V
- Measuring quiz 11
- Math
- Area of triangle quiz
- Feet and inches presentation, packet pp. 1-4
- Adding and subtracting problems in class
- Adding and subtracting homework assignment
- Small group work
- Daily challenge 18
- Blueprint reading: Review plate 5, assign plate
- Spatial exercise: Box unfolding VI
Homework: Spatial exercise, adding and subtracting feet and inches sheet
Day 20
- Homework collection: Adding and subtracting feet and inches sheet, box unfolding VI
- Measuring quiz 12
- Math
- Feet and inches quiz
- Feet and inches presentation pp. 5-12
- Small group work
- Daily challenge 19
- Review for post-tests
Day 21
- Post-tests – same as pre-tests given at assessment, plus tool identification, blueprint reading and safety
Day 22
- Math – review total for final exam
- Review tool identification, blueprint reading and safety tests
Day 23
- Math Final