Course Competencies

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate accurate linear measuring of materials down to 1/16th of an inch, with understanding of 32nds, 64ths and metric division.
  2. Know what to expect regarding aptitude tests on apprenticeship entry exams, and have materials to develop proficiency.
  3. Understand scale drawings, principles of blueprints, symbol usage, and how to read sketches and working drawings, floor plans and elevations.
  4. Demonstrate improvement in basic tool recognition, proper identification, and safe handling and usage of both tools and materials.
  5. Show a marked improvement in math skills as related to the building trades.  Whole numbers operations; fractions; decimals; percentages; ratios; interest and discounts; estimating methods and dimension.
  6. Regain ability to apply geometric formulas and principles, to recognize various geometric figures, angle relationships, hypotenuse measurement and use of Pythagorean Theorem and square roots.
  7. Learn the functions of individual trades and their scope of work through trade specific seminars and hands-on learning led by tradeswomen.
  8. Show a marked increase in physical stamina, strength and endurance through an intensive physical conditioning program.
  9. Learn basics of physical science applications as they relate to the mechanics of the physical world and affect work in the trades.